joi, 13 noiembrie 2008


niciodata nu am crezut ca o sa ma prinda atat de tare o carte despre cultura orientala. doar "Fructul interzis" de Nedjma mi-a mai placut. in rest, desi stiu ca sunt apreciati, nu prea citesc autori ce trateaza cultura musulmana. sau autori chinezi/japonezi (nu pot sa citesc mai mult decat doua-trei capitole)." Snow" insa mi-a placut de la prima pagina, are un farmec aparte.Pamuk te introduce repede in atmosfera si dupa aceea cu greu mai poti evada.Povestea e simpla si decurge foarte fluent, personajele dand sarea si piperul.
"how much can we ever know about the love and pain in another's heart?how much we can understand those who have suffered deeper anguish, greater deprivation and more crushing disappointments than we ourselves have known?"
"i am a typical atheist: i don't believe in nothing except love and happiness"
"like a snowflake, he would fall as he was meant to fall"
"for Ka, Heaven was the place where you kept alive the dreams of your memories"

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